Thursday, November 11, 2010

Maximum-sum contiguous subvector


Given an array A[1..n] of n real numbers, write programming code which implements an O(n)-time algorithm for finding the maximum-sum contiguous subvector. For example, in the array
{11, -21, 39, 6, -33, 38, 77, -73, -3, 64}
the maximum sum (122) is obtained by summing the third through seventh elements; your code should print 122 3 7.


Maximum sum in any contiguous subvector
/* Precondition: x[1..n] is an array of floating-point (real) numbers. */
procedure MaxSumContigVector (x[1..n]: float)
// Returns the maximum sum of a continuous subarray drawn from x.
MaxSoFar := 0.0
MaxEndingHere := 0
i := 1
while i ≠ n + 1 do
MaxEndingHere := max(0.0, MaxEndingHere + x[i])
MaxSoFar := max(MaxSoFar, MaxEndingHere)
i := i + 1
return MaxSoFar

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